Assessment ESG
Certiquality offers an assessment service to help companies that want to assess the sustainability of their activities and investments against the criteria defined in the EU taxonomy.
The compliance of the activities carried out by companies with the technical screening criteria, and the content of the related communications, may be subject to an independent audit, in order to guarantee the transparency and veracity of the information communicated, together with the guarantee that there is no risk of jeopardising other environmental sustainability objectives (the DNSH ‘do no significant harm’ principle).
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As part of the European Green Deal and the new strategy for financing the transition to a sustainable economy, the European Commission has been developing a specific financial programmesince 2018. This programme includes the action plan on financing sustainable growth and the development of guiding criteria to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into financial sector investment decisions, leading to longer-term investment in sustainable economic activities and projects
The European agenda for sustainable finance also includes elements to ensure transparency and communication of information on risks related to ESG factors that may have an impact on the financial system, and to mitigate these risks through appropriate governance. Sustainable finance will help ensure that investments support an economy that is climate neutral, resilient to climate change, resource efficient and mindful of its impact on the environment and ecosystems.
With Regulation 852/2020 on Taxonomy, the European Union introduced a classification system for environmentally sustainable economic activities, with assessment criteria designed to help companies and investors make investment decisions based on the choice to favour initiatives that contribute to the objectives of the Green Deal.
With this regulation, the European Union also sets itself the goal of preventing greenwashing. The EU taxonomy establishes the following six environmental goals, which can be achieved through a variety of actions and projects:
- Climate change mitigation
- Climate change adaptation
- Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources
- Transition to a circular economy
- Pollution prevention and control
- Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems
In this context, communication issues are fundamental: companies need to communicate information that is useful for demonstrating their contribution to sustainable management in a credible way.
Any company wishing to obtain an independent audit of the correct application of the performance criteria introduced by the European taxonomy, which establishes sustainability criteria in both the design and innovation phases and when updating what is already in place.