

The Quality and Safety System for Specialty Feed Ingredients

Our service

Certiquality has gained extensive experience in the assessment of management systems in companies in the food sector and offers the certification service according to FAMI-QS - the European Code of Practice for Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures. The certifications issued by Certiquality are accredited by Accredia. The FAMI-QS code integrates the requirements of a Quality System compliant with the ISO 9001 standard with the principles of the HACCP hygienic-sanitary prevention and self-control method applied to the production and logistics process.

The requirements of Good Practices, supplementary to those of the ISO 9001 standard, involve aspects concerning:

  • personnel (organisational structure, training and health and hygiene);
  • the management of production premises and equipment in terms of cleaning, hygiene and prevention of contamination risks;
  • •the acquisition and control of raw materials (with specific requirements relating to the qualification of suppliers) and packaging materials;
  • process controls and activities for the release of the finished product, including storage and transport;
  • the traceability system;
  • change control;
  • the management of product recalls and crisis situations.
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Animal production represents a fundamental phase in the food chain: proper management of the hygiene aspects of this phase can help to ensure a high degree of safety in the subsequent processing and production of food.

An important contribution can be made by adopting correct husbandry practices that also include effective control of the animal feeding.

Feed or feed ingredients can become a vehicle for contamination, creating a risk to the health of the animal and, consequently, to that of the final consumer. FAMI-QS is a Code of Good Practice (owned by FAMI-QS Asbl) for companies operating in the field of feed additives and premixes, and is aimed at managing processes and products (from supplier qualification to delivery to the customer) in such a way as to guarantee health and hygiene safety and to minimise the risk of unsafe products entering the food chain.

The certification in compliance with the FAMI-QS code is a voluntary certification, relating to the implementation of a Food Safety Management System for the specific purpose of FAMI-QS application. It is recognised internationally, particularly in B2B transactions.

Service final users

The service is aimed at all companies that produce and/or distribute ‘feed additives and their premixes’ as defined in the FAMIQS Scope Description document for the product categories named:

  • Specialty Feed Ingredients:
  • Feed Additives
  • Functional Feed Ingredients
  • Mixtures:
  • Premixtures
  • Specialty Complementary Feed
  • Specialty Complementary
  • Dietetic Feed



Demonstrate to customers that premixes and additives are produced by applying Good Practices codified in an internationally recognised industry standard;Dimostrare ai clienti che premiscele ed additivi sono prodotti applicando Buone Pratiche codificate riconosciute dal settore a livello internazionale.


Increase customer loyalty and thus reduce the need for second-party audits


Integrate any certification according to the ISO 9001 standard for Quality Management Systems, orrelating to Food Safety Management Systems such as ISO 22000, with a more specific sectoral certification.

Certification Process

The main phases of the certification process include:

  • the preliminary audit, carried out exclusively on request, which makes it possible to assess the state of the company in relation to the requirements of the FAMI-QS Code and consequently identify areas for improvement and strengths (gap analysis);
  • the certification audit carried out in two separate phases: Stage 1 and Stage 2;
  • the issuance of the certificate of conformity to the FAMI-QS code;
  • the annual surveillance audits and the three-year renewal.

Prior to the start of the certification process, the Organisation concerned must formalise a request to FAMI-QS, using forms that can be downloaded at (or filled in directly on the website) and wait for the relevant acceptance (Approval Letter).

Compliance audits with the FAMI-QS code can be carried out in conjunction with audits according to other standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 22000.

Notification of incident

If an incident occurs that compromises the food safety of a product, including recall/withdrawal or non-compliance with a current food safety regulation, the organization must inform Certiquality within 3 working days, by sending the form "Notification of incident" at