
ISO 14001 - EMAS

UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 Certification

Our Services

Certiquality, a leader in the field of voluntary certification of management systems, was the first certification body to be accredited for the certification of environmental management systems against the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2004 standard. 
The environmental management system set out in ISO 14001 is based on legal compliance, continual improvement and prevention of pollution. The ISO 14001 standard leaves an organisation free to set which and how many environmental objectives it wishes to pursue, depending on its economic circumstances and current internal technological sophistication.
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Certiquality, a leader in the field of voluntary certification of management systems, was the first certification body to be accredited for the certification of environmental management systems against the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2004 standard. 
The environmental management system set out in ISO 14001 is based on legal compliance, continual improvement and prevention of pollution. The ISO 14001 standard leaves an organisation free to set which and how many environmental objectives it wishes to pursue, depending on its economic circumstances and current internal technological sophistication.


All types and sizes of organisations of both the public and private sector, that wish to demonstrate their environmental focus; Easily integrated with other important management systems such as health and safety or quality

Your Benefits

Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory environmental requirements and reduce their related risks.
Adopt a structured approach in defining environmental objectives and identifying the necessary tools to their achievement.
Identify environmental risks and cost-reduction opportunities related to energy consumption and to raw material and waste management.
Increase the value of your business on the market.

The Certification Process

  • application for certification;
  • acceptance of Certiquality’s offer;
  • performance of a preliminary audit (optional);
  • performance of a certification audit (in two stages);
  • management of any identified deficiencies;
  • deliberation by the Certiquality Technical Commission;
  • annual surveillance audits.


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Certiquality ha sviluppato per i propri clienti documentazione a supporto dell’implementazione dei sistemi di gestione per l’Ambiente attraverso la divulgazione di linee guida e check list specifiche quali, a titolo esemplificativo:

  • linea guida per la verifica della capacità di gestione della conformità legislativa secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 14001:2004;
  • linea guida di verifica della conformità secondo la norma UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 nelle aziende del settore EA 4 - tessuti e prodotti tessili; 7 - carta e prodotti in carta; 9 - tipografie; 16 - calce, gesso, calcestruzzo, cemento e prodotti affini; 17 - metalli e prodotti in metallo; 36 - Pubblica Amministrazione.