
ISO 45001

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

The ISO 45001 certification service consists of the assessment of the documentation for the correct implementation of the management system, the random auditing of compliance with legislation using specific, easy-to-complete checklists, as well as on-site inspection activities completed by interviews with personnel to verify the level of involvement and awareness in the field of occupational health and safety. The output of the service, in addition to issuing certification in the event of a positive audit, is to identify areas for improvement that the organisation can pursue.

ISO 45001 has been developed as a ‘high level structure’, which allows it to be perfectly integrated with other management systems, such as ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
Certiquality, always attentive to the issue of safety, has signed an exclusive agreement with D.A.S., part of the Generali Group, to guarantee legal protection to all organisations that hold a valid ISO 45001 certification.

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The new ISO 45001 standard, which is recognised and shared around the world, was created to help all organisations establish an Occupational Health and Safety Management System based on minimising occupational risks, improving safety and working conditions on a global scale. The new ISO standard replaces BS OHSAS 18001.

Adopting an occupational health and safety standard is an effective way to combat the number of accidents and illnesses at work, which cost between 2.6% and 3.8% of gross domestic product (GDP).

Certified companies have significantly lower accident rates than non-certified ones, on average 27% lower in terms of frequency and 35% lower in terms of severity (Source: AccrediaObservatory). As a result, the number of certifications has more than doubled in the last four years and continues to grow at a high level despite the general crisis.

Service final users

The service is aimed at all Italian and foreign organisations, regardless of product sector and number of employees



•It extends participation and improves the involvement of all resources involved in OSH aspects.


It enhances company assets, for instance, through planned maintenance.


It supports the organisation in maintaining legislative compliance, thus preventing possible OSH sanctions from public authorities.


It provides evidence of the organisation’s commitment to preventing health and safety liabilities under Italian Legislative Decree 231/01


It makes an effective contribution to reducing workplace accidents - proof of this is privileged access for companies to the INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) premium reduction.


It improves organisational reputation.

The certification process involves:

  • Requesting a quote;
  • Accepting the offer;
  • Conducting a pre-assessment audit (optional);
  • Conducting a certification audit (divided into two stages);
  • Managing any deficiencies encountered;
  • Approval of certification by the Certiquality Technical Commission;
  • Maintenance audits.

The certification process involves:

•Requesting a quote;

•Accepting the offer;

•Conducting a pre-assessment audit (optional);

•Conducting a certification audit (divided into two stages);

•Managing any deficiencies encountered;

•Approval of certification by the Certiquality Technical Commission;

•Maintenance audits.

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