Evaluation of logistics service providers
The SQAS system is structured into the following four modules, which consider the activities of the entire logistics service cycle and provide a careful and thorough view of the service being analysed:
- SQAS Transport Service (road transport);
- SQAS Rail Transport;
- SQAS Tank Cleaning Stations;
- SQAS Packaged Warehouse.
This is complemented by the fifth module on chemical distribution services: ESAD. The European Single Assessment Document (ESAD) audit activity - related to corporate management systems of chemical distribution companies - assesses health, safety and environmental performance.
Each form contains a list of questions collected in specific questionnaires available for consultation on CEFIC’s website www.sqas.org. Once the assessment has been completed, the auditor generates the electronic questionnaire and sends it electronically to the CEFIC database for data processing and statistical scoring.
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Logistics service providers involved in road and/or rail transport, warehousing, chemical handling and distribution and tank cleaning can apply for SQAS/ESAD assessment.
The assessment is clear and objective and consists of a series of analyses and assessments aimed at auditing the organisational aspects, activities and service delivery of the company. It therefore aims to increase the value of the company to its existing and/or potential customers by demonstrating its ability to meet the aspects promoted by the chemical industry.
The SQAS system is a tool designed to assess the activities and management processes of logistics service providers in a uniform and standardised manner. It consists of standard procedures and questionnaires including the characteristic aspects of service quality, safety and industrial hygiene, environmental commitment and security in all phases of service provision.
SQAS is not a certification but rather an assessment formulated according to standards promoted by the chemical industry in Europe. It uses defined procedures and models and the assessment is carried out by accredited independent validators/verifiers on the basis ofa training and vetting process directly managed by CEFIC.
The tool allows logistics service providers to assess potential suppliers by comparing the results of the assessment with their own company standards and deciding on the level of compliance of the supplier according to their needs.
Service final users
- Companies transporting chemicals by road;
- Companies transporting chemicals by rail;
- Logistics companies involved in the storage and/or warehousing of packaged chemicals;
- Washing stations;
- Chemical distribution companies.
Avoids repeated assessments of the same supplier by different clients, optimising time and resources;Evita ripetute valutazioni allo stesso Fornitore da parte di Committenti diversi, ottimizzando tempi e risorse.
The tool enables logistics providers to evaluate potential suppliers by comparing the results of the assessment with their own company standards and deciding on the level of compliance of the supplier according to their needs;.
•guarantees an independent assessment because auditors chosen from the list of validators/verifiers who meet the criteria established directly by CEFIC/FECC are used for the audits.
More information
The specific questionnaires are available for reference at CEFIC's www.sqas.org.www.sqas.org.